A busy season at The Southern Review

 It’s been a busy time at The Southern Review. The journal staff will, once again, be at AWP at the end of the month. If you are in Seattle attending, please visit us at Bookfair booth 1304.  We are currently in the thick of copyediting the spring issue, set to feature new poems by Bonnie Jo Campbell and David St. John, stories by Peter Levine and Aurelie Sheehan, and artwork by Baton Rouge–native Mary Lee Eggart.

Also, this past week marks the six-month anniversary of Emily Nemens’s appointment to The Southern Review as coeditor and prose editor. As her coeditor, I couldn’t be happier. Her contribution to the journal has been tremendous. In addition to editing prose and reading her way through this year’s fiction and nonfiction submissions, she’s been busy on other fronts. This week, Sibling Rivalry Press is releasing Butcher Papers, a digital chapbook of Nemens’s cross-genre writing. Included in the collection is “Some facts about sculptors,” which Eleven Eleven published in their latest issue. Her interview with Writer’s Digest appears in the March/April issue, which will be hitting newsstands soon. Lastly, she was just notified that her story “The Derrotero Method,” featured in the fall 2013 issue of The Gettysburg Review, was nominated for a 2014 Pushcart Prize!

All of us here are proud of her accomplishments and grateful for her terrific service to the journal.  Follow @emilynemens on Twitter for more editing—and writing—news from Emily!


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