Announcing the Winners of our 2023 Awards

The Southern Review is pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the Oran Robert Perry Burke Awards for Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Literary Translation, as well as the James Olney Award. These annual awards, established and funded by the generous support of donors, are presented to contributors in recognition of an exceptional work that appears in the previous volume year. Our congratulations to the winners!


The recipient of the Oran Robert Perry Burke Award for Fiction is

Karin Lin-Greenberg

for the story, “Escapees,” from our winter 2023 issue


The recipient of the Oran Robert Perry Burke Award for Nonfiction is

Michael Downs

for the essay, “Answer When You Can,” from our winter 2023 issue


The recipient of the Oran Robert Perry Burke Award for Poetry is

Julia B. Levine

for the poem, “Loose Sonnet on Whidbey Island,” from our summer 2023 issue


The recipient of the Oran Robert Perry Burke Award for Literary Translation is

Karen Kovacik

for the translation from Polish of Krystyna Dabrowska’s poem, “Cycling,” from our summer 2023 issue


The recipient of the James Olney Award is

Bruce Cohen

for the poem, “Know What I Mean,” from our autumn 2023 issue

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