Category Archives for TSR Staff
The Southern Review Goes to AWP
The Association of Writers and Writing Programs’ (also known as AWP) annual conference is less than a week away! Held this year in brisk Portland, Oregon, this conference brings together the best and brightest of the writing world all under one roof: that of the Oregon Convention Center. Of course, we at The Southern […]
Alisa Plant Named Director of LSU Press
Louisiana State University Press is pleased to announce that Alisa Plant has been named director of the Press and publisher of The Southern Review, effective March 4. Plant will be the seventh director of LSU Press. Plant returns to LSU Press from the University of Nebraska Press, where she served as editor-in-chief since 2015. Under […]
Upon Leaving: A Farewell from TSR Business Manager Leslie A. Green
There is a Neil Young song that starts with the line, “There is a town in North Ontario . . .” I used to play guitar and sing this song for my friends and replace “North Ontario” with “South Louisiana.” It doesn’t scan properly, but I made it work. I’ve worked at LSU Press and […]
Emily Nemens Appointed to The Southern Review
The Southern Review is pleased to announce the appointment of Emily Nemens as coeditor and prose editor of this distinguished literary journal. Nemens, a Seattle native, was the search committee’s unanimous first choice. “We so pleased to have Emily join our staff,” said LSU Press director MaryKatherine Callaway, who led the nation-wide search. “Her strong […]
The Southern Review Coeditor Cara Blue Adams Awarded Fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
Congrats to Cara Blue Adams, coeditor of The Southern Review, published quarterly by LSU Press, on her award of a fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. One of the nation’s most prestigious artists’ colonies, the VCCA offers residencies to preeminent writers, composers, and visual artists. Adams has been selected as one of […]