The Southern Review Goes to AWP


The Association of Writers and Writing Programs’ (also known as AWP) annual conference is less than a week away! Held this year in brisk Portland, Oregon, this conference brings together the best and brightest of the writing world all under one roof: that of the Oregon Convention Center. Of course, we at The Southern Review are going to be there in the mix of things. For most of the conference, we will be stationed at Booth 7079 (right next to our buddies with LSU Press, booth 7077). If you’re in the Portland area anytime from March 27-30, be sure to stop by. We’ll have copies of the Winter 2019 issue—which has some wonderful poems from Pulitzer Prize winners Sharon Olds and Charles Simic, among others—as well as a selection of back issues.

If you’re attending the conference, make some time in your busy schedule for the “She / He Said” panel discussion on Friday, March 29, at 12pm.  Not only is this panel being moderated by award-winning poet David Kirby (check out some of his books available from LSU Press), but our very own coeditor and poetry editor Jessica Faust will be on the panel! This discussion will cover submitting pieces and manuscripts; the role of the editor in making good stories, poetry, and essays great; and what writers and poets can do to make their submissions stand out. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned veteran, this panel is sure to teach you a thing or two.

We hope to see everyone there!


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