Contributors: Donald E. Stanford
- 1995 Spring - Remembering Cleanth Brooks
- 1993 Winter - Dense Poems and Socratic Light
- 1991 Summer - The Poetry of John Finlay
- 1991 Summer - The Journeyings of Catharine Savage Brosman
- 1990 Summer - Missing Measures
- 1990 Winter - Robert Penn Warren and the Southern Review
- 1987 Autumn - In Memoriam: 'Ann Staeord (1916-1987)'
- 1987 Summer - Milosz, Davie, Fuller, and the Lyric
- 1983 Winter - Formality and Restraint
- 1981 Autumn - Yvor Winters in the Academic Bower
- 1981 Summer - Caroline Gordon
- 1981 Winter - Katherine Anne Porter
- 1979 Autumn - A Footnote to Flux
- 1977 Autumn - Elizabeth Daryush (1877-1977) and Ezra Pound (1885-1972)
- 1975 Summer - On Poetry Readings
- 1975 Spring - Roy Fuller's Oxford Lectures
- 1974 Spring - The Poetry of James Agee: The Art of Recovery
- 1973 Autumn - Eudora Welty and the Pulitzer Prize
- 1973 Autumn - W. H. Auden (1907-1973)
- 1973 Summer - The Short, Short Poem
- 1973 Winter - Thoughts on the Pound Era
- 1972 Spring - The Fiction of Caroline Gordon
- 1971 Autumn - Thompson's Fromst and Bailey's Hardy
- 1971 Summer - Out of That Source of Time: The Poetry of Allen Tate; Steven's Selected Poems;
- 1971 Spring - Caroline Gordon: From Penhally to A Narrow Heart
- 1971 Winter - The Turn of the Screw (Prefatory Note--see also Heilman, Foreword, and Voeglin, author)
- 1971 Winter - Foster Damon's Dream Frontiers
- 1969 Summer - Foreword
- 1969 Spring - Classicism and the Modern Poet
- 1967 Summer - The Well-Kept Life: The Letters of Wallace Stevens
- 1941 Winter - The Beloved Returns and Other Recent Fiction