Contributors: Joyce Carol Oates
- 1996 Summer - Gorgeous
- 1996 Winter - See You in Your Dreams
- 1992 Summer - Widow
- 1988 Summer - Getting to Know All About You
- 1987 Autumn - Capital Punishment
- 1986 Summer - Testimony
- 1984 Summer - Canal Road
- 1984 Summer - The Mountain Lion; Pain; Vampire
- 1983 Spring - The Wren's Hunger; The Madwoman's Repentance; Mute Mad Child; Self-Portrait as a Still Life
- 1982 Spring - Nightless Nights; High-Wire Artist
- 1981 Summer - 'Détente'
- 1980 Spring - Prelude; Portrait: Woman with a Girl's Face
- 1979 Summer - The English and Scottish Traditional Ballads
- 1978 Winter - High
- 1977 Autumn - Resurrection of the Dead; Jauled from River, Sunday 8 A.M.; Former Movie Queen, Dying of Cancer, Watches an Old Movie of Hers at a Film Festival in San Francisco
- 1975 Spring - Fireflies; If You Must Go and I Must Stay; Forbidden Testimony
- 1975 Winter - Blood-Swollen Landscape
- 1974 Summer - 'Help…'
- 1973 Autumn - A Visit with Doris Lessing
- 1973 Autumn - Books of Change: Recent Collections of Poems
- 1973 Summer - The Death Throes of Romanticism: The Poems of Sylvia Plath
- 1972 Summer - The Sacred Marriage
- 1972 Spring - Blindfold
- 1971 Autumn - Loving––Losing––Loving––A Man
- 1971 Winter - Realism of Distance, Realism of Immediacy
- 1970 Summer - Morning on our Beach; Breaking Apart; Where the Shadow Is Darkest; Mysterious Motions Subside; You/Your
- 1970 Winter - Demons
- 1969 Spring - Art at the Edge of Impossibility: Mann's Dr. Faustus
- 1968 Autumn - A Rising and Sinking and Rising in My Mind; A Drawing of Darkness; And So I Grew Up To Be Nineteen and To Murder; Is Infidelity a Kind of Suicide?
- 1967 Summer - The Sweet Enemy