Contributors: Randall Jarrell
1965 Summer
- Faust, by Goethe, the First Part of the Tragedy
1941 Autumn
- Changes of Attitude and Rhetoric in Auden's Poetry
1941 Summer
- The Iceberg; January 1938; An Essay on the Human Will
1941 Winter
- The Development of Yeats's Sense of Reality
1939 Winter
- On the Railway Platform; A Poem; A Poem; A Poem; 1938: The Spring Dances
1937 Autumn
- The Automaton and Other Poems
1936 Autumn
- Untitled; A Description of Some Confederate Soldiers; The Indian; A Poem; Old Poems; Kirilov on a Skyscraper; And Old Song
1935 Autumn
- Ten Books
1935 Summer
- Two Poems