Contributors: Richard Eberhart
1984 Winter
- The Killer
1977 Summer
- Reflections on Wallace Stevens in 1976
1975 Spring
- In the Air; Razzle-Dazzle; Mind and Nature
1975 Spring
- Robert Frost in the Clearing
1970 Winter
- Stealth and Subtleties of Growth; Emily Dickinson; Man's Fate; Fracture Within; Hardy Perennial; Here and Now
1967 Winter
- Marrakech; The Mastery; The Ides of March; The Explorer on Main Street; A Wedding on Cape Rosier; On Returning to a Lake in Spring
1966 Autumn
- Robert Frost: His Personality
1965 Summer
- On Theodore Roethke's Poetry
1965 Spring
- The Immortal Type; The Eclipse
1942 Spring
- I Walked Out to the Graveyard to See the Dead; In the Night When Destruction Shall Shake the World; The Extreme Water
1940 Autumn
- The Largess