Issue: Autumn - 1967
In this Issue:
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Ripeness is all: Late, Late Romanticism and Other Recent Fiction (Review - page 1050)
A Defense of Shelley's Poetry (Nonfiction - page 856)
A Mansion of Philosophy (Review - page 1020)
After Concord (Review - page 1010)
An American Student in Paris (Fiction - page 958)
Dylan Thomas: The Position in Calamity (Nonfiction - page 922)
Eliot's The Family Reunion: A Study in Disintegration (Nonfiction - page 895)
Fictions of Science (Review - page 1036)
I Look Out My Window; On a Photo of My Parents (Poetry - page 956)
Le Tunnel sous le fleuve (Poetry - page 952)
Le Tunnel sous le fleuve (translation) (Poetry - page 952)
Melville's Poems (Nonfiction - page 799)
Robert Penn Warren: All the King's Men (Nonfiction - page 874)
Roethke; The Osprey Dream; For a Stone at Balmer's Ranch; Eptitaph; Allegiances (Poetry - page 946)
Scholars and Gentleman in American Literature (Review - page 1062)
Ten Epigrams (Poetry - page 944)
The Man in the Black Apron (Fiction - page 990)
The Personality of Criticism (Review - page 1001)
The Uses of Language (Review - page 1024)
Thunder Storm in South Dakota (Poetry - page 951)