Issue: Autumn - 1968
In this Issue:
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A Rising and Sinking and Rising in My Mind; A Drawing of Darkness; And So I Grew Up To Be Nineteen and To Murder; Is Infidelity a Kind of Suicide? (Poetry - page 1030)
Americanness (Review - page 1093)
Critics, Scientists, and Biographers (Review - page 1081)
Donald Davidson: 1893-1968 (Nonfiction - page 1110)
El Fusilado; Simplicity; Cynthia; Sensibility (Poetry - page 1019)
Hart Crane: The End of the Harvest. Hart Crane's Letters to William Slater Brown and Susan Jenkins Brown (page - 945)
Nebraska Piece; U. S. 30 (Poetry - page 1037)
Night in Funland (Review - page 1073)
Paul Goodman's Mourning Labor: The Empire City (Nonfiction - page 894)
Poetry and the Generation of Critics (Review - page 1099)
The Dead (Fiction - page 1041)
The Emersonian View of American Poetry (Review - page 1077)
The Flower and the Leaf (Poetry - page 1015)
The Hero as Schnook (Nonfiction - page 927)
The New Mind of the South (Nonfiction - page 865)
The Rabbit; West of Baton Rouge; Narrowing The Base; February 2nd (Poetry - page 1026)
Until (Poetry - page 1039)
Young Malraux and the Values of the Communist Metaphysic (Nonfiction - page 884)