Issue: Autumn - 1974
In this Issue:
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A Correspondence, 1923-1958: Edwin Mims and Donald Davidson (page - 904)
A Monkey in a Magnolia Tree (Fiction - page 972)
At Long Last, Flags in the Dust (Nonfiction - page 878)
Blackberries; Ghost (Poetry - page 956)
Ernest J. Gaines: Change, Growth, and History (Nonfiction - page 581)
Eugene D. Genovese: Marxist-Romantic Historian of the South (Nonfiction - page 840)
For Karen Blixen, on the Eve of the Year's First Frost; Anniversary Snow; Windows; For Jim on Siler's Bald (Poetry - page 951)
Ford Madox Ford and the Baton Rouge Writers Conference (Nonfiction - page 892)
I Never Scream; Flight; Two Poems (Poetry - page 947)
Immortality to Jinotega (Fiction - page 981)
Nightfishing; The Book of the Dead; The Ivory-bill Woodpecker (Poetry - page 959)
Pride and Fall: A New Source for Interpreting Southern Experience (Nonfiction - page 823)
Song; The Cold Pane; Goods; A Dance; A Purification (Poetry - page 935)
That Season; The Old Man of the Mountain; Presences (Poetry - page 963)
The Girl of the Golden West; The Memory of Bullhead Rafferty; In Glenwood Cemetery; My Grandmother's Beautiful Nose, Five Years Later; The Baby-Sitter's Deposition; Eye Examination (Poetry - page 938)
The Serpent of Lust in the Southern Garden (Nonfiction - page 805)
The South Will Rise Again; Anniversary; October Poem (Poetry - page 970)
The Storm; The Cannibals; The Rag-Picker of Amras (Poetry - page 967)
Uncle Remus and the Ubiquitous Rabbit (Nonfiction - page 787)
Wendell Berry: A Fatal Singing (Nonfiction - page 865)