Issue: Autumn - 1999

In this Issue:

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After an Argument, Water Ouzel, Self-Portrait at Midlife (Poetry - page 669)
Barcode Jesus (Fiction - page 746)
Bombs in Their Bosoms (Nonfiction - page 846)
Comfort Me with Apples (Fiction - page 709)
Emily (Poetry - page 708)
Evelyn Scott on Eagle's Wings above the Current (Nonfiction - page 857)
Finally opening the anthology to Kunitz; My life with a gardener (Poetry - page 683)
Freud in London, 1939; Wild Blackberries (Poetry - page 706)
From the New House; Litany; Shape/Change/Shape (Poetry - page 691)
Frost's Farm; The Scarecrow's Lament (Poetry - page 703)
In the City of X (Fiction - page 760)
Inevitable Move; The Dog (Poetry - page 659)
Juliana's Disease (Poetry - page 680)
Meditation upon a Snow Bunting (Poetry - page 662)
My Dead Dad; Teacher of the Year (Poetry - page 685)
Offertory: Blood Oranges; An Italian Writer in London; Letter to Rome: Amherst, 1976; Letter to a Damaged Daughter (Poetry - page 663)
Recitative on Cape Clear Island (Poetry - page 675)
Rose (Fiction - page 756)
Seeking Family, Seeking Forgiveness: The Memoires of Slaveholders' Grandsons (Nonfiction - page 789)
The Army Medical Museum of My Heart (Poetry - page 682)
The Greatest Poem in the World (Nonfiction - page 774)
The Owl (Nonfiction - page 772)
The Use of Meter (Nonfiction - page 806)
The Whistler; Four-Leaf Clover (Poetry - page 700)
When the Snow Fell; Written on the Inside Cover of a Book of Poetry; Plato on the Beach (Poetry - page 655)