Issue: Spring - 1966

In this Issue:

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Arthur Symons and Modern Poetics (Nonfiction - page 347)
Criticism Chronicle: Hawthorne, Melville, and James (Review - page 427)
Family Ties (Fiction - page 419)
Four Ways of Looking at a Novel (Review - page 464)
Happening on the Nature of the Night (Poetry - page 362)
Isak Dinesen: An Appreciation (Nonfiction - page 297)
Looking Up at Leaves (Poetry - page 370)
Nickel Mountain (Fiction - page 374)
Poussin: The Chrysler 'Bacchanal before a Temple'; Letter from Los Angeles (Poetry - page 354)
Ransom the Revisionist (Review - page 453)
Tennyson's Last Phase (Nonfiction - page 264)
The Correspondence of Emerson and Carlyle (Review - page 471)
The Fathers (Poetry - page 367)
The Free Spirit and the clever Agent in Henry James (Nonfiction - page 315)
The Immortality of Art: Vladmir Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebaastian Knight (Nonfiction - page 286)
The Late Visitor; Letter from Portugal (Poetry - page 371)
The Predestined (Poetry - page 359)
The Town Clock; Suspension of Time (Poetry - page 368)
The Use of the Beautiful (Nonfiction - page 245)
The Weighing Tree; Lachrymae (Poetry - page 357)
The Youth of Ezra Pound (Review - page 443)
Version, Con-, Per-, and In-: Thoughts on Djuna Barnes's Novel (Nonfiction - page 329)
Watering (Poetry - page 360)
Winter Wasps; A Resurrection; DJS––in pace (Poetry - page 365)