Issue: Spring - 1972

In this Issue:

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An Ode for Defeat; For a Lost Picture of My Father (Poetry - page 420)
Blake and the Education of Childhood (Nonfiction - page 253)
Blindfold (Fiction - page 438)
Dziadek (Poetry - page 412)
Fragments at the turn of the year (Poetry - page 424)
Hart Crane (Nonfiction - page 290)
Homecoming; We Are Not Trees (Poetry - page 398)
John Wheelwright: New England's Colloquy with the World (page - 310)
Keats's Journey Homeward to Habitual Self (Nonfiction - page 273)
Marrianne Moore (1887-1972), S. Foster Damon (1893-1971) (Nonfiction)
Music of the Co-Prosperity Spheres (Poetry - page 408)
Noia; Chiaroscuro; Sona una creatura (Poetry - page 434)
Robert Penn Warren's Promised Land (Nonfiction - page 329)
Shadow; May Day, 1970; To Awaken in the Dark; Party (Poetry - page 416)
Singer and Hawthorne: A Prevalence of Satan (Nonfiction - page 359)
The Covenant of Grace (Poetry - page 381)
The Dancing Bear (Poetry - page 422)
The End is Here; Spring Disappeared (Poetry - page 390)
The Fiction of Caroline Gordon (Review - page 458)
The Gift of Summer (Poetry - page 378)
The Gita in English (Review - page 453)
The Literary Situation in South Africa (Nonfiction - page 371)
Three Poems (Poetry - page 428)
Three Poems (translation) (page - 428)
To My Father (I); To My Father (II) (Poetry - page 426)
Two Guests Come Late to the Poets' Party, But Are Made Welcome Anyway; When Wanda Landowska Died (Poetry - page 404)
Weariness; Chiaroscuro; I Am a Being (translation) (Poetry - page 434)
When This Ends, And It Will; Contessa; The Fortune Teller (Poetry - page 393)