Issue: Spring - 2023

Idle on a spring day with the newest issue of The Southern Review. You can tag along with O Chŏnghŭi for a garden party with South Korean socialites, or follow the ups and downs of the baseball season with Mairead Small Staid. Watch as a young man musters the courage to wrestle a bear in a new story by Steve Trumpeter, or spend some time in contemplation with Emily Fridlund, as she considers a couple in stasis before a fertility procedure. Rebecca Gayle Howell translates three poems from Argentinian poet Claudia Prado detailing family dramas of thieves, murderers, and dreamers, while Danusha Laméris returns to our pages with three poems that explore survival, whether it’s that of a loved one’s death, the lure of the unknown, or a natural disaster. Along with new poems by Lisa Ampleman, David Kirby, and Birch Rosen, this issue features the work of Hmong-Australian artist Vanghoua Anthony Vue, whose large-scale installations aim to reinterpret and retell past narratives of Hmong experiences of war and migration which have been largely overlooked and erased. 

Vanghoua Anthony Vue

In this Issue:

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Thaw (Poetry - page 169)
1963: News; 1911: The Leave-Taking; The Details (Poetry - page 170)
For the Record; The Bermuda Triangle; Construction (Poetry - page 195)
Living Alone (Poetry - page 205)
3000 Hesperia; 63 Sherbrook Avenue; 2684–2688 Craven Court (Poetry - page 206)
Endless; “Thinking” out loud (Poetry - page 220)
Memo: From the Office of Inspiration (Poetry - page 228)
How to Wait for Gender- Affirming Surgery (Poetry - page 247)
Doña Ofelia (Poetry - page 248)
Not Your First Day; Gales of Helpless Laughter (Poetry - page 269)
Business as Usual (Poetry - page 276)
Picking Up Sticks; Oriole (Poetry - page 285)
Pandemic Poem (Poetry - page 287)
Bighorn; Erie Shore (Poetry - page 288)
Almond Trees, Tuscany (Poetry - page 292)
Eclogue of the Neglected Garden (Poetry - page 310)
Meuse; Key Words (Poetry - page 329)
Rereading Plath, Walking Rushton (Poetry - page 332)
The YouTube Gamers My Son Watches Yell Constantly to Demonstrate Excitement (Poetry - page 334)
Height (Poetry - page 336)
In Glass (Fiction - page 180)
Baghdad, Florida (Fiction - page 198)
Sun Damage (Fiction - page 209)
The Garden Party (Fiction - page 250)
Wrestling the Bear (Fiction - page 294)
The Long Season (Nonfiction - page 229)
Listen to That Cold Rain (Nonfiction - page 278)
Asterisk (Nonfiction - page 315)
Crossword: Creeping Ego; Acrostic (Puzzles - page 224)