Issue: Summer - 2015
Issue: Summer - 2015
Brass bands, air mattresses, instructions on how to build a
home from scratch. Swimming lessons, kayaking groups, and water, water
everywhere. Seen through a certain lens, much of the content of The Southern Review’s summer 2015 issue
swirls around New Orleans and the tragedy that happened there ten summers ago.
This conversation culminates with a special essay feature, “Writing Katrina:
Ten Years After,” in which three Louisiana writers—poet Alison Pelegrin,
filmmaker Zack Godshall, and playwright John Biguenet—reflect on how the storm
affected their work. The summer issue also features poetry from some of the
nation’s luminaries, including Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Stephen Dunn. The
prose includes a music essay on buying the perfect amplifier and a story by
National Book Award finalist Bonnie Jo Campbell, while the bright beachscapes
of George Johanson, a Portland, Oregon–based artist, bring color and community
to the pages of the issue.
George Johanson
In this Issue:
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Breath (Poetry - page 345)
After Passing a Picnic Table in a Cow Pasture (Poetry - page 346)
Amplifier (Nonfiction - page 347)
What Surfaces (Poetry - page 353)
To You in Georgia from Me in North Carolina (Poetry - page 354)
Ephemera (Poetry - page 356)
A Short History of Mothers and Daughters (Poetry - page 358)
Daughters of the Animal Kingdom (Fiction - page 359)
Garland of Bears (Poetry - page 371)
Let Me Be Richard (Nonfiction - page 378)
Hero (Poetry - page 383)
Care and feeding; Love poem; Our porno (Poetry - page 384)
Abandoned Drive-In; Third Try (Poetry - page 388)
A++ (Fiction - page 390)
Last Words; Purple Martin Village (Poetry - page 403)
Dominion of Blue (Poetry - page 406)
Kennedy Travel (Fiction - page 408)
Every Hunger (Poetry - page 418)
Maybe a Little Music; Staying in Touch; Question on Allatoona (Poetry - page 419)
Come Down to the Water (Fiction - page 422)
Swimming Lessons (Fiction - page 439)
To Leave No (Poetry - page 455)
Virtual Rothko Room #2: Plum Apparition; Last Darkness: The Black on Gray Series, Mark Rothko (Poetry - page 456)
From the Deck (Poetry - page 460)
Plural Like the Universe (Fiction - page 461)
Even the Awful; The Revolt of the Turtles (Poetry - page 469)
This Yellow; Aubade (Poetry - page 472)
Serpentaria (Poetry - page 474)
Shelter and Storm (Nonfiction - page 476)
So I Adopted a Highway; Ultrasound (Poetry - page 488)
To a Green-Backed Heron (Poetry - page 490)
Reverie (Poetry - page 491)
Fingernail, Claw; Apple Lake (Poetry - page 493)
Waterlines (Nonfiction - page 497)
From Rage to Page to Stage to Rage (Nonfiction - page 502)
Let the Breeze Spell the Stream, or Learning How to Make a Film in Post-Katrina New Orleans (Nonfiction - page 509)