Issue: Winter - 1965
In this Issue:
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Sled Burial: Dream Ceremony (Poetry - page 125)
Celine: A Reappraisal (Nonfiction - page 76)
D. H. Lawrence: Mystical Critic (Review - page 210)
Early Morning in a Sierra Meadow (Poetry - page 137)
Faulker's 'The Old People': The Numen-Engendering Style (Nonfiction - page 94)
Images; Wildernress; Elementals; The Moving Image (Poetry - page 120)
In the Woods of Truro (Fiction - page 183)
John Crowe Ransom: The Poet and the Critic (Nonfiction - page 1)
Notes on Seven Critics (Review - page 235)
Paola and Renata (Fiction - page 199)
Philosophical Critics (Review - page 229)
Pope's Dunciad: Requisitions of Verity (Nonfiction - page 108)
Sanctuary; Lee Vining, California (Poetry - page 140)
Seven Types of Clarity; The First Step; The Narrow House (Poetry - page 129)
The Classic Angler; The Temenos (Poetry - page 138)
The Exception and the Rule (Fiction - page 167)
The Meriwether Connection (Nonfiction - page 46)
The Scarlet Letter: A Literary Exercise in Moral Theology (Nonfiction - page 22)
The Tailor's Wedding (Poetry - page 117)
The Vicar-General and the Wide Night (Fiction - page 142)
To Say James Merrill (Poetry - page 127)
Yeats and the Picture Galleries (Nonfiction - page 57)