Issue: Winter - 2001

In this Issue:

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I Ain't Gonna Be No Topsy Because Paris Is My Old Kentucky Home (Nonfiction - page 155)
A Cemetary in Brooklyn (Poetry - page 70)
Bagatelle for a Young Woman Frozen to Death While Making the Shapes of Angels in the Snow; Martha at the Threshold of Heaven; December (Poetry - page 13)
Beyond Postmodernism (Nonfiction - page 174)
Boeing Print Shop; Caregiver (Poetry - page 73)
Dogs (Poetry - page 57)
Eating (Fiction - page 103)
End of Days (Poetry - page 10)
Giants; Pushing the Black Thread (Poetry - page 7)
God Bless America (Fiction - page 77)
Initials Etched on a Dining-Room Table, Lockeport, Nova Scotia (Fiction - page 121)
July 6, 1947 (Poetry - page 68)
Nineteen Amenities (Fiction - page 91)
Ode for Orville and Wilbur Wright; Seen and So Believed; Photograph of Liberated Prisoner, Dachau, 1945 (Poetry - page 51)
Partial Acts; The Second Life of Art (Poetry - page 40)
Plinking (Fiction - page 141)
Poetry Punishes You for Your Absence; Question and Answer: Where Do You Get Your Ideas?; The Orphan Poem (Poetry - page 1)
Portokali (Poetry - page 4)
Six, Sex, Say; 13th-Arrondissement Blues (Poetry - page 17)
Small purchase; Translating small talk; Fifteen frames per second on a Sun Sparc/5; End of tyranny (Poetry - page 21)
Snail after Snail; For Emma Francesca at 5 1/2 Weeks (Poetry - page 43)
Still Life (Poetry - page 65)
Stone; The Floating Days of Taylor Touchstone; Lizards (Poetry - page 46)
T.S. Eliot and Modernism (Review - page 168)
The Emerging (Poetry - page 63)
The Fugawi; The Lang of Cockaigne (Poetry - page 31)
The Secret House (Poetry - page 55)
The World Book; Downpour (Poetry - page 29)
To Frank O'Hara (Poetry - page 6)
Via Negativa: The Way of Unknowing in Cormac McCarthy's 'Outer Dark' (Review - page 147)
Wallace Porter Sees the Elephant (Fiction - page 107)
Worms (Fiction - page 123)